The G Program Terms

Now it is time to learn the language we use in The G Program. Here are terms, definitions, and even G Pro Slang.

  • G = Goodness

  • B = Badness

  • Good Values = 70 Words that can help you do things that benefit your life and the lives of others and make the world a better place.

  • Good Deeds = Actions or behaviors that can bring good results for you, others, or your environment.

  • Bad Deeds = Actions or behaviors that can bring bad results for you, others, or your environment.

  • Good Character = a group of traits attributed to someone because of their consistent doing of Good Deeds witnessed by others.

  • Bad Character = a group of traits attributed to someone because of their consistent doing of Bad Deeds witnessed by others.

  • The G Effect = Good Results or Goodness that can come with doing a Good Deed

  • The B Effect = Bad Results or Badness that can come with doing a Bad Deed

  • Bringing G = Bringing Goodness by doing Good Deeds

  • Bringing B = Bringing Badness by doing Bad Deeds

  • GV = Good Value or GVs = Good Values

  • GVD = Good Value Deficiency = a life without Good Values

  • GD = Good Deed or GDs = Good Deeds

  • BD = Bad Deed or BDs = Bad Deeds

  • +C = Good Character (+Cs = Good Character Traits)

  • -C = Bad Character (-Cs = Bad Character Traits)

  • G Points = Points earned by doing Good Deeds

  • B Points = Points earned by doing Bad Deeds

  • G Money or G$ = Reward money earned for doing Good Deeds

  • The G Store = Online or offline store where you can buy items with G$

  • 3G Steps = Steps you take to get Good Character and Goodness

  • 3B Steps = Steps that lead to Bad Character and Badness

  • Heart Values = a group of Good Values that are heartfelt.

  • Honor Values = a group of values that are honorable.

  • Smart Values = a group of values that make good common sense